
4 Things to Watch for in Dentistry (Plus One Bonus!)

While you may not think about your teeth unless they are causing you pain, the world of dentistry is evolving. Here’s some of the trends that may turn your frown upside down. 1. Invisalign Clear Braces Braces traditionally involved a mouth full of metal and some very painful procedures that were cost prohibitive. Nowadays, that [...]

Correcting Large Front Teeth

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile because your front two teeth--called the central incisors--appear too large, you might be tired of being told that you have a cute smile. After all, many people think large front teeth are very attractive, especially because these prominent incisors are often a sign [...]

3 Questions to Answer Before You Get Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a great way to reinvent your smile. You can transform your appearance, getting rid of gaps in your smile, as well as chips, cracks, discoloration, and more. But before you get porcelain veneers, there are three important questions you have to ask. Are Porcelain Veneers Right for Me? It’s important [...]

Why Are My Teeth Loose?

It's normal for teeth to have a little bit of give in them, to be able to move slightly. However, anything beyond just the slightest perceptible motion is probably a sign of periodontal disease. This condition affects about two-thirds of all American adults to some degree, though the severity of disease necessary to make your [...]

By |September 17th, 2014|Invisalign, TMJ|