Are Porcelain Veneers Right for Me?
It’s important to decide that porcelain veneers are the right treatment for you. You have to consider other potential treatments for your your cosmetic concerns, such as Invisalign and compare them to make sure this is the best procedure for you.
You should take into account risk factors like bruxism and whether your family has a high risk of tooth decay. If you think that porcelain veneers might be the right treatment, it’s time to ask question number two.
Is Now the Right Time for Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain veneers will transform your smile, and so it’s tempting to get them during another major transition in your life. For example, when you’re leaving college or getting married, it might seem like the optimal time for porcelain veneers. But is it, really?
First, make sure that porcelain veneers fit in your budget. It’s important to consider financing and other options that can make veneers more affordable, but if you can’t make them fit in your budget, you can’t make them fit.
Also make sure that you’re going to be able to take care of your veneered teeth properly. Just brushing, flossing, and regular checkups are all that’s required, but sometimes life is too hectic even for that. After you get porcelain veneers, it’s important to care for your teeth, or you could lose them and the veneers.
But you don’t want to take too long. Having an attractive smile is an essential personal and professional asset, so the benefit from veneers may be greatest when you’re young. If you are trying to pursue your dreams and you think that your teeth might be holding you back, then now is the time for veneers.
Is This the Right Dentist for My Veneers?
But if you invest in porcelain veneers, you want to make sure you’ve chosen the right cosmetic dentist for the job. You need to feel absolute confidence that your dentist will be able to give you quality, long-lasting results.
Check out the credentials of a dentist to make sure they have adequate training in cosmetic dentistry. Look at a dentist’s smile gallery. Talk to previous patients, ideally who received smile makeovers with veneers. Talk to the dentist themselves, and ask questions.
Only when you’re fully comfortable that veneers are right for you, now, and the dentist you’ve chosen is right, should you proceed with the procedure.
If you are looking for a great cosmetic dentist in the Hilton Head area, please call (843) 706-2999 for an appointment at Beyond Exceptional Dentistry.