
Your Complete Guide to Migraine Triggers and Treatments

If you can understand the reasons why you have migraines, you can head them off before they start. That will be your best possible treatment option. Before you spend any more time trying different treatments that don’t work, learn about the different migraine triggers, and try to determine what might be [...]

By |November 2nd, 2020|Headaches, TMJ|

Wine Headaches and Misinformation

With people staying home due to COVID-19, alcohol sales have increased dramatically. Market research from Nielsen claimed that alcohol sales were up 243% since the pandemic began. One in three people claimed to drink more in isolation. Another study found that women are drinking even more since the pandemic hit, but it’s strongly linked with [...]

By |August 4th, 2020|Headaches|

Are Ice Cream Headaches Anti-Migraines?

July is National Ice Cream Month! What do ice cream and TMJ have in common? They’re both ways that your mouth can cause headaches. And now it seems that ice cream headaches may be more similar to migraines than we ever thought before. Before you indulge in your favorite summer treat, learn [...]

By |June 30th, 2020|Headaches, Migraines|

7 Types of Denture Pain

Dentures are supposed to help people who have lost their teeth, but the unfortunate truth is that dentures often result in significant pain for wearers. How? Let us count the ways . . .   Loose, Rubbing Dentures One common problem with poorly fitting dentures is that they slide around in the mouth, which causes [...]

By |November 27th, 2019|Dentures, Headaches, TMJ|
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