We’ve talked before about the really low quality veneers you get when you try to order your veneers online. But in case you thought we were misrepresenting the product, a young man from Britain showed off his new set of online veneers, to the amusement of everyone.

There are three lessons we learn about these comic veneers: they don’t fit right, they look fake, and they are only good for a laugh.

Online Veneers Hilariously Fake

Unhappy with His Smile

The joke began when Ben Watson, from Halifax in the UK decided that he wanted to improve his smile. His smile wasn’t really that bad, but it did have a few minor cosmetic issues, such as some minor crookedness, irregular tooth shape, and discoloration.

So perhaps he thought his smile problems weren’t worth investing much in and decided an inexpensive option would be best. That’s when he decided to get the online veneers. Although the veneers advertise that they cost just $15 dollars, he paid $60. Presumably the difference is shipping and “handling.”

But when he got the new veneers, he was really disappointed at their quality. He took a picture and showed it to his friend, who thought it was hilarious and shared it on FaceTime. Then she convinced him to wear the veneers at a club, where they managed to catch a video of him struggling even to keep them in, which got shared on YouTube and became popular.

Impressions Don’t Seem to Help Fit

These online veneer companies promise a good fit for their product, and they ask for a set of impressions of your teeth. Ben sent in the requested impressions, but that doesn’t seem to have helped.

The veneers he received seem ridiculously small for his teeth. They fill only a small fraction of his smile’s width. And they arc backward so sharply that they don’t fit over his teeth at all, which makes them stand up high in his mouth, showing off the gums and the teeth themselves. The veneers don’t even stay in place.

They Look Nothing Like the Ads

The online ads make the veneers look like a reasonable investment. The advertised veneers look like they might be acceptable, although they don’t really look good. The veneers at least fit into the mouth, have somewhat reasonable coloration, and can blend in to at least pass as natural teeth at first glance, if not close inspection.

But the actual product looks nothing like the ads. Even if we ignore the terrible fit (which is, really, impossible to ignore), the veneers are horrible in their appearance. They have an obvious plastic luster, and the gum tissue is so horribly red that it doesn’t look healthy or natural. This product would not pass even the most casual inspection.

They’re Good for a Laugh

These veneers are not useful replacement teeth. The fact that they don’t stay in tells us that they can’t really be worn. But even if you could put them in and manage to keep them in, they aren’t good for chewing. You’d have to take them out for eating, and it’s quite likely that they’d be vulnerable to staining even with minimal exposure to coffee or tea.

So, you couldn’t count on them for anything but a laugh.

Quality Cosmetic Dentistry Is a Good Investment

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your smile, don’t waste any thought on the joke veneers you might see advertised online. No matter how cheap they are, they’re not a good buy. Instead, it’s time to consider true veneers from a cosmetic dentist. You will get a great fit,  with beautiful veneers that look and feel natural. Not only that, but they’ll be functional for smiling, talking, and eating. You’ll be able to laugh with your veneers, not at them. And, best of all, they’ll be long-lasting. Veneers are made of advanced ceramics that are highly durable, and stain resistant, capable of lasting ten, even 20 years without staining or chipping when properly maintained.

To learn more about cosmetic dentistry in Hilton Head that is worth the money, please call (843) 706-2999 today for an appointment with a cosmetic dentist at Beyond Exceptional Dentistry.